Thursday, December 11, 2014

Can You Quickly Access Your Secured Gun When Seconds Matter?

hide your guns securely - hidden gun storage - hidden gun case - Conceal Gun Vaults
Have you been storing your gun in a locked case on the top shelf of the closet? Or do you have a loaded gun under your mattress for quick access? Law enforcement agencies agree, both are dangerous as well as being two of the top places that thieves look for your valuable weapons.

Many gun owners don't store their guns securely in order to have quick access. If they ARE stored securely, it is usually cumbersome to open and not centrally located. Imagine you or your significant other trying to open a gun safe when someone is breaking down your door . . . or worse.

With our concealed gun vaults, you can have easy and immediate access to your fire arms and still keep them safe from children and thieves. With the slide of a mirror and the touch of a finger you can quickly access your guns to defend your home and family.
Secure guns - hidden gun vault - fire arms safe storage - Concealed Gun Vaults
Your right to bear arms and protect your family is an American right, but with that right comes the responsibility to store your arms safely. has designed two vaults with your family in mind. Our handgun and shotgun vaults are recessed into the wall, secured by a locking panel, and concealed by a sliding mirror that is a beautiful addition to your home décor (see our EASY to INSTALL video).

These hidden vaults feature either a touch pad lock or a biometric fingerprint scanner. Our fingerprint access system is quick and secure, and can be programed to work with up to 30 different fingerprints. Only you know where your guns are. Only you can get access.

Be SAFE, be SURE, be
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